woensdag 16 maart 2011

Designing illuminations for 1988 and 1995

Tonight we will try to use the material we gathered last week to draw the last two remaining illuminations for the book. We thought we had three to go, but it turns out there is a really nice picture of the two then - new pavillions and the trebouchet Claudwick built at Double Wars for 1996.

Left to do are 1988: a flood (or flooded tents) and 1995: dancers.

Homework for the coming weeks:
  • finish the text for all the years that have not been inked yet, making sure the wordcount is ok
  • copy illumination designs into the book in pencil when there is daylight...

donderdag 3 maart 2011

Working on content

As promised we are working on finishing the content for the book. Bertrik is doing a word count to see which years still need work done on the text.

I'm looking at the years that we don't have an illumination designed for yet, and what we want to do for those years:

1988 - Polderslaughter got seriously rained out - a picture of a flood, based loosely on this lovely painting of the St Elisabeth flood of the early 15th ct.

1995 - dancing, look at dancers on the Sienna mural and adapt to look like shire members

1996 - a picture of a trebouchet and tent, based on photo's of Double Wars of that year. Also use the cart from the Macieowski Bible, since that was on the DW T-shirts we made.