After all the writing I did in the past weeks, there are now several capitals that will need to be gilded, and we found some pages with gesso missing, so we'll be adding gesso to those pages.
Bertrik is making some sugar gesso with dissolved gum arabic as a base, adding about 1 part ground kandijsuiker (sugar cristals) to 3 parts gum arabic.
donderdag 29 december 2011
zondag 11 december 2011
zaterdag 10 december 2011
Saturday Afternoon
After a trying morning I setlled down at the table with the kids. They are drawing with dip pens, using diluted paint from a mussel shell, and I wrote a bunch of red capitals for page 89-4, 93-2 and 93-3.
It turns out we already marked those pages as done, so I don't get the satisfaction of marking something off the list, but no matter, we're having a peaceful moment, which is worth a lot, and also, it's a lot of fun to see them enjoying themselves with this stuff.
Next I want to try and finish the text for 1988, 1990 and 1992, all of which are mostly gilded. Page 1993 - 4 should be gilded before I write that page.
In between cooking a wonderful salad ("Sinterklaassalade" van Keet Smakelijk) and miserable pancakes I managed to fix the text for 1988, 1990 and the introduction. Yay! Got to cross off some stuff from the list after all...
Next time we get together to work on the book we should look at the extra text I made for 1991, and some of the stuff on the discussion page to see if/where we can fit that in.
In between cooking a wonderful salad ("Sinterklaassalade" van Keet Smakelijk) and miserable pancakes I managed to fix the text for 1988, 1990 and the introduction. Yay! Got to cross off some stuff from the list after all...
Next time we get together to work on the book we should look at the extra text I made for 1991, and some of the stuff on the discussion page to see if/where we can fit that in.
woensdag 23 november 2011
Gathering speed
We're slowly getting back into the work on the book. First we spent some time on the planning of an event for next year, and then we made some small steps to get going again.
Bertrik applied some gum arabic to some narrow strips of gesso that the gold wouldn't stick to, and that is working well. It might be a good solution to some of the other bits that we've had trouble with in the past.
I practiced letters, and worked out that I've been writing with a Mitchell nr 5 pen, and that I need to order some spares of those. They are actually wider than the Brause .75 mm, not narrower as I wrote in 2009.
We also determined that page 3 and 4 of 1993 have not been written yet, but we did rewrite the text to fit the two pages that are left (309 words). So in the next few days I can practice some more, and then I can get started on the third page of 1993, and making red capitals on the second page.
arabische gom,
gum arabic,
Polderslot History Book
dinsdag 22 november 2011
Word Count
Below is a list of the chapters of the book, followed by the number of words.
The number of words needed is 675 for a full chapter. The intro is on two pages and needs 375 words.
Intro - 339 (needs 375).
1987 - already written in the book, not counted
1988 - 561
1989 - already written in the book, not counted
1990 - 674
1991 - 484
1992 - 545
1993 - already written in the book, not counted (checken en tabel bijwerken)
1994 - 814, but not final text (parts in Dutch etc.)
1995 - 507
1996 - 602
The number of words needed is 675 for a full chapter. The intro is on two pages and needs 375 words.
Intro - 339 (needs 375).
1987 - already written in the book, not counted
1988 - 561
1989 - already written in the book, not counted
1990 - 674
1991 - 484
1992 - 545
1993 - already written in the book, not counted (checken en tabel bijwerken)
1994 - 814, but not final text (parts in Dutch etc.)
1995 - 507
1996 - 602
The old progress report seems stuck in time so I can't edit it anymore. Hopefully this version will work.
progres report.
Een tabel die bijhoudt hoe ver we zijn met het maken van het boek.
De inhoud van de cellen geeft aan wanneer dit onderdeel is afgerond.
(x: geeft aan was of voordat we begonnen met dit bij te houden).
pag | text af | goud | geschrvn | illum | borders | white |
Titelpagina | ||||||
1 | x | |||||
Inleiding | ||||||
1 | 12/11 | |||||
2 | 12/11 | - | ||||
jaar 87 | ||||||
1 | x | x | x | x | ||
2 | x | x | x | - | ||
3 | x | x | x | - | ||
4 | x | x | x | - | 7/12 | x |
jaar 88 | ||||||
1 | 12/11 | 6/12 | 12/11 | |||
2 | 12/11 | 1/12 | 1/12 | - | ||
3 | 12/11 | x | 1/12 | - | x | |
4 | 12/11 | x | 1/12 | - | x | x |
jaar 89 | ||||||
1 | x | x | x | x | x | |
2 | x | - | x | - | ||
3 | x | x | x | - | ||
4 | x | 1/12 | 8/10 | - | ||
jaar 90 | ||||||
1 | x | x | 12/11 | - | ||
2 | x | - | 1/12 | - | ||
3 | x | - | ||||
4 | x | x | - | |||
jaar 91 | ||||||
1 | 3-12 | x | 3/12 | - | ||
2 | 3-12 | 4/12 | 4/12 | - | ||
3 | 3-12 | x | 4/12 | - | x | |
4 | 3-12 | - | ||||
jaar 92 | ||||||
1 | 1/12 | x | 3/12 | 2/12 | - | |
2 | 1/12 | 3/12 | 3/12 | - | ||
3 | 1/12 | 11/11 | 3/12 | - | ||
4 | 1/12 | 8/10 | 3/12 | - | ||
jaar 93 | ||||||
1 | x | x | x | - | ||
2 | x | 2/12 | x | - | ||
3 | x | 8/10 | 12/11 | - | ||
4 | x | 11/11 | 2/12 | - | ||
jaar 94 | ||||||
1 | x | - | ||||
2 | - | - | ||||
3 | - | |||||
4 | - | |||||
jaar 95 | ||||||
1 | 3/12 | - | ||||
2 | - | - | ||||
3 | - | |||||
4 | 2/12 | - | ||||
jaar 96 | ||||||
1 | 3/12 | - | ||||
2 | - | - | ||||
3 | 2/12 | - | ||||
4 | - |
Woorden telling op de reeds geschreven pagina's:
87/1: 133 woorden
87/2: 234 woorden
87/3: 141 woorden
87/4: 138 woorden
89/1: 121 woorden
89/2: 258 woorden
89/3: 162 woorden
92/1: 135
92/1: 135
93/1: 122 woorden
93/2: 273 woorden
Geeft gemiddelden:
eerste pagina: 125 woorden
tweede pagina: 250 woorden
derde en vierde pagina: 150 woorden
Waaruit dus volgt dat een gemiddeld jaardocument zo om en nabij: 675 woorden zou moeten bevatten.
Er volgt een tellling op de concept texten.
Later geschreven pagina's woordentelling:
88/1: 106
88/2: 234
88/3: 155
1990/1: 99
90/2: 237 (word count van de computer, tijdens het schrijven best veel woorden geschrapt)
order of work,
Polderslot History Book,
zondag 28 augustus 2011
dinsdag 19 juli 2011
Not much work on the book recently, but useful sidetracks into bookbinding (making a music folder, see and cutting quills....
donderdag 5 mei 2011
Afdak bouwen
Optimistisch als altijd zijn Laura en ik begonnen een afdak te bouwen. Inmiddels vele dagen en vele speldenverwondingen en grote en kleine tegenslagen verder komt het einde eindelijk in zicht! Om de moed erin te houden mochten we vanochtend mooie borduurwol halen bij de Afstap, en houden we het beeld van onszelf in Zweden onder het afdak steeds in gedachten... Als het zover is volgt hier een foto!
Vandaag hebben we de laatste grote delen aan elkaar gezet en de naden afgewerkt, uitstekende panden bijgeknipt en (bijna) de helft van de onderrand (totaal 22 meter!) vastgezet, nadat we eerst diep hebben nagedacht over hoe die rand mooi de hoek om kan gaan. Verder hebben we nagedacht over de afwerking van de gaten en daar rondjes van leer voor geknipt, en bedacht hoe die erop moeten, wat vooral op de hoeken nog best lastig is.
Wat moet er nog gebeuren:
Vandaag hebben we de laatste grote delen aan elkaar gezet en de naden afgewerkt, uitstekende panden bijgeknipt en (bijna) de helft van de onderrand (totaal 22 meter!) vastgezet, nadat we eerst diep hebben nagedacht over hoe die rand mooi de hoek om kan gaan. Verder hebben we nagedacht over de afwerking van de gaten en daar rondjes van leer voor geknipt, en bedacht hoe die erop moeten, wat vooral op de hoeken nog best lastig is.
Wat moet er nog gebeuren:
- onderrand vastzetten (voor woensdag/op woensdag)
- gaten voor middenpalen zo ver mogelijk dichtnaaien (voor woensdag)
- onderrand afwerken bij naden (voor woensdag/op woensdag)
- leertjes voor tentgaten onderlangs vastnaaien (woensdag/weekend)
- leertjes voor middenpalen erop (eerst overtollige stof zo goed mogelijk wegwerken)
- onderrand verder afwerken
- palen maken (weekend)
- scheerlijnen (weekend)
- proefopzetten (weekend)
Gedachten over leertjes op de paal: het leertje moet groter zijn dan de omtrek van de paal. Het gat in de stof moet zo klein mogelijk (er van uit gaande dat het nooit zo klein zal zijn dat het piefeltje van de paal er niet doorheen past). Ws. maken we een leertje aan de binnenkant en een aan de buitenkant. Piefeltje erdoorheen laten tijdens het naaien zodat de gaten op dezelfde plek zitten.
woensdag 16 maart 2011
Designing illuminations for 1988 and 1995
Tonight we will try to use the material we gathered last week to draw the last two remaining illuminations for the book. We thought we had three to go, but it turns out there is a really nice picture of the two then - new pavillions and the trebouchet Claudwick built at Double Wars for 1996.
Left to do are 1988: a flood (or flooded tents) and 1995: dancers.
Homework for the coming weeks:
- finish the text for all the years that have not been inked yet, making sure the wordcount is ok
- copy illumination designs into the book in pencil when there is daylight...
donderdag 3 maart 2011
Working on content

I'm looking at the years that we don't have an illumination designed for yet, and what we want to do for those years:
1988 - Polderslaughter got seriously rained out - a picture of a flood, based loosely on this lovely painting of the St Elisabeth flood of the early 15th ct.
1995 - dancing, look at dancers on the Sienna mural and adapt to look like shire members
1996 - a picture of a trebouchet and tent, based on photo's of Double Wars of that year. Also use the cart from the Macieowski Bible, since that was on the DW T-shirts we made.
woensdag 23 februari 2011
Back to work
After the previous post we spent an evening working on texts, and then got distracted for a few months by vacations, Christmass, events and playing Warhammer online.
Tonight, we're taking stock and trying to get back to work. I will dust of the calligraphy pens and do some practice, and Bertrik will do some gold work to get back into the feel of things.
For the next weeks I will try to finalize texts so it will be easy from then on to just sit down and write without lots of thought...
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